Vladimir Kara-Murza (“Putin’s Poisons” V. 1, Issue 3) Courageously Defends Freedom of Expression
Liberties writer and Washington Post Global Opinions Contributor, Vladimir Kara-Murza’s inspiring closing statement in his Moscow trial for “treason.”
Liberties writer and Washington Post Global Opinions Contributor, Vladimir Kara-Murza’s inspiring closing statement in his Moscow trial for “treason.”
Princeton University’s Sean Wilentz, in an essay in Liberties Journal, writes of the “unsettling similarities” between the Trump-inspired Jan. 6 mob assault on the Capitol to overturn the presidential election and the events leading to the Southern secession causing the Civil War. He writes, “The secessionists committed treason by repudiating the democratic Union; but the Trump Republicans committed something akin to treason by repudiating democracy itself.”
For the Wall Street Journal, Sally Satel reviews Carl Hart’s controversial new book about drug use
Film critic David Thomson argues that A Hidden Life ranks among Terence Malick’s masterpieces.
Michael Ignatieff, Laura Kipnis, Mark Lilla, Helen Vendler, Sean Wilentz, Thomas Chatterton Williams join others in Harper’s Magazine.
Sean Wilentz in the Wall Street Journal.
Thomas Chatterton Williams in the New York Times.