The podcast of Liberties, a Journal of Culture and Politics. LibertiesTalk will be an irregular series of wide-ranging conversations on culture and politics hosted by Celeste Marcus, the managing editor of Liberties. These lively discussions will feature our writers and the larger Liberties community.
Can We Learn To Be Alone?
Liberties Journal's associate publisher, managing editor, and sixty of their closest friends together ask and answer the question "Can We Learn To Be Alone?"
DC Salons are held monthly at the Liberties Offices in Washington, DC. Email [email protected] for more information.
DC Salon 12
Can People Change?
Christopher McCaffery, Celeste Marcus, and forty of their closest friends together ask and answer the question "Can People Change?"
Jessica Pishko – The Highest Law in the Land
Jessica Pishko on the radical fringe of the Sheriff's Movement
Jessica Pishko joins Celeste Marcus to discuss her book The Highest Law in the Land, a meticulously researched and reported account of how sheriffs came to believe they were the final arbiters on American law.
October 7 and The Meanings of Commemoration
October 7 and The Meanings of Commemoration
In a conversation about the horrors of October Seventh, Leon Wieseltier and Celeste Marcus explore the themes of collective memory, personal versus national trauma, commemoration, hope, and despair.
DC Salon 10
DC SALON 10: Can We Choose Our Beliefs
Christopher McCaffery, Celeste Marcus, and fifty of their closest friends ask and answer the question "Can We Choose Our Beliefs?".
DC Salon 8
Can Nonbelievers Pray?
Christopher McCaffery, Celeste Marcus, and fifty of their closest friends ask and answer: Can Nonbelievers Pray?
Propaganda: Do You Know It When You See It?
Christopher McCaffery, Celeste Marcus, and fifty of their closest friends discuss what propaganda is and whether it is easily identifiable.
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